• Man shoveling snow off roof

Roofing Materials for All Weather

What makes America different from many other countries is its distinctive heterogeneous-ness. This is perhaps most obvious in the product selections among consumer goods and services. Furthermore, Americans who reside in different states have different taste in clothes, food, and furniture.

Similarly, people who reside in different regions of the nation have varying needs when it comes to roofing materials. These needs tend to be determined largely by the climate of the area in which they live. With that in mind, here is a rundown of the best type of roofing material given the weather one must endure.


People in this area have to shiver their way through cold and snowy winters. That’s why Northeastern homeowners tend to favor the standard asphalt shingle for their roofs. Asphalt is lightweight yet resilient, and can hold up to moderate amounts of snowfall while providing some insulation for the home itself. Plus, asphalt is quite flexible, very affordable, and readily available in a wide variety of patterns and colors.

North and Midwest

As a rule, these areas receive more snowfall totals than the other portions of the United States. For structures that must suffer the weight of heavy snowfall, slate tiles are an ideal solution. Their unmatched durability allow them to hold firm despite substantial snow buildup, and they don’t buckle under the onslaught of hailstorms like asphalt roofs can. Homeowners appreciate the fact that slate lasts for several decades so they rarely have to shell out money for a roof replacement.

But can it withstand a hurricane?


People who live in states with coastlines are always on the alert for hurricanes and other significant rainfall events. Homeowners in tropical climates need a roofing material that will withstand both thunderstorms and the moisture that this weather tends to leave behind. Metal roofs are superior to asphalt and other roofing options which may trap wetness and allow algae or mold to form. Today’s metal roofs are also resistant to rust while remaining stylish in appearance.

West and Southwest

With desert heat and minimal rainfall, this region receives more than its fair share of sunshine. That’s why South Westerners often prefer clay tile roofs for reasons other than its distinct mission style aesthetics. Clay tiles do an excellent job of reflecting the sun’s brutal heat; also, air cushions are created underneath the layers of tiles facilitate air circulation, and better insulate homes from the elements. Finally, clay tiles are completely recyclable, which appeals to the green sensibilities of the region.

Clay tile roof

Of course, it’s difficult to label a single geographic region with just one climate because weather patterns can vary greatly throughout. In addition, severe weather can wreak havoc on almost any kind of roofing material. There are as many opinions for exterior home aesthetics as there are American homeowners. You should check in with a knowledgeable local contractor to find out what’s right for your home.

One thing is certain: U.S. homeowners have a cornucopia of options when it comes to which roofing material to lay atop their home. This fact fits perfectly with the wondrous melting pot that makes up the United States of America. End